
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, April 14, 2012

All Alone

This week we had our last "new baby visitor" here. Since Hunter has been born we've hosted family and friends so they could meet him and hang out with the rest of the family. On March 16 Mimi and Pop got here, followed by Grandma and Grandpa, then Jenn was here, and today I dropped Kat off at the airport to go back home. We've had a whirlwind of visitors, but it has been great seeing everyone. Things around here are going to seem awfully quiet and I'm not sure my kids are going to know what to do with themselves. Here are the pictures from the last week of having visitors {though Kat isn't actually IN any of the pictures...oh well!}
April 8 - Hunter looking out the window in his swing.
April 8 - Eden sporting one of the FOUR pairs of sunglasses that she found in her Easter basket.
April 9 - We think we have 2 peaches.
April 9 - I couldn't resist. He is just so peaceful when he sleeps!
April 10 - The cliffs at the tidepools in San Diego at the Cabrillo National Monument.
April 11 - Eden didn't want to nap, so I {finally} let her come hang out in the living room with us. She asked to hold Hunter and how can you turn down that request, especially since he was wearing his "I love my big sister" shirt?! 
April 12 - Daddy asking why I need a picture with him holding 2 kids. Just do it! You'll see tomorrow.
April 13 - What a peaceful sleeper. I think this nap only lasted for about 20-30 minutes so I'm glad I snapped a picture when I could!

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