Eden, Hunter, and I have tried to stay busy in Lane's absence. It's been fun to be with friends and we've done a good job of surviving as three. Life is adjusting nicely and we're getting used to our conversations being with Lane over video or text messages. I've cooked dinner a few times, which I didn't expect to do! We've also eaten out and eaten with friends quite a bit, which I did expect to do! We've almost got 2 weeks under our belts, and that's half way to our first month down! We've got this!!!!
Kids with Daddy at the airport. |
At the squadron the morning that the rest of the deployment left. |
Lane got to meet Kate Walsh when he was walking out of lunch! I love her!!!! |
Hunter learned that he loves watermelon. |
Memorial Day BBQ got the best of the kids. They were all tuckered out after chowing down on delicious food. |
Bounce house, good food, no naps all make for tired kids. |
Hunter sitting in my lap poking my belly button. |
Can someone tell me again...why do I clean my house?! |
I was putting dishes away and Hunter was getting them out. While Eden was getting all the paper out to color pictures for Daddy. What a mess!!!!! |
Hunter loves hats, helmets, and obviously tiaras! |
I put the plastic table in the yard to keep the dogs away from my newly planted tomato and cucumber plants and Ginger thinks it's there to get her closer to the treats. The neighbor puts treats over the fence and Ginger doesn't get as many as Nugget because he's taller than her. |
Another beach day with the kids and friends! Eden took my picture so we could show Daddy that I'm still alive too, ha ha. He gets all kinds of pictures of the kids, but seldom gets pictures of me. |
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