Being Proud
Hunter is growing by leaps and bounds {check out how strong he is holding on and standing up in that picture!}. Eden is smarter than we know what to do with. Lane is an awesome daddy and husband. How could I not be proud?! My family is my main source of pride. I love when people comment on how smart Eden is, or how cute Hunter is. Best compliment I've gotten was from a stranger telling Lane and I that our children were well behaved while out to eat. For someone to take note of your children because of something good is the best feeling in the world. Don't get me wrong, our lives aren't perfect and I'm sure there have been times when people have wished we would be thrown out of the restaurant, but for the most part, our family is something to be proud of. Even when we are the loud, obnoxious family with the toddler who doesn't sit still and the baby who cries during dinner. I love us. I love our dynamic and I am proud to say that my family is mine and my family is perfect for who we are!
Love this post! And yes, you SHOULD be proud--what a blessed life you (we!) live. :)