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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Birthday and 37 weeks all on one day!

So, this week has been exciting for us. Lane didn't have to go to work on Monday because it was President's Day so we got to spend an extra day together. Oh, and we did get flurries on Friday for about 30 minutes and we had Friday together too because the base was closed and Lane didn't have to go to work that day either!

Tuesday was another doctor's appointment for me. I was 36 weeks, 5 days at this appointment. The doctor did my first cervical exam and the results weren't exactly what we wanted to hear. He said that I'm 0cm dilated, but 25% effaced which is good because there is some action going on, but I thought I would have SOME dilation. I know that this doesn't mean anything with the timing of her arrival, but the more I dilate early, the less I have to go through as I'm in labor! As he was listening to hear heart rate it increased and he said this was a good sign because she had just moved and he would expect her heart rate to increase with movement. He listened to her heart a little longer to make sure that it decreased as she stopped moving and it did, so he was very happy about what he heard.

Wednesday was my birthday and it was relatively uneventful - which isn't bad at all! My parents arrived with Pat on Tuesday so they were here for my birthday and they had Eden's dresser in tow. We went to Hardee's for breakfast for my birthday because as a child Pat and Paul would take Parker and I almost EVERY Saturday and the Hardee's is closed that we used to go to. It was neat to be able to go with her for my birthday since we haven't done it in a while. We left Hardee's and went to Home Depot to get the hardware for the dresser and then came back home to get everything put together. Pat also got me a floor lamp for Eden's room for my birthday. It goes behind the rocking chair so that we don't have to have the overhead light on in the middle of the night. It was soon after we got home that Lane got home from work. As we just sat around for the rest of the day we prepared to go to dinner. Another family tradition is to go to Longhorn's, but the closest one to us is 35 miles away, so we went to Logan's so we could at least have a steak to stick to the tradition as well as we could. At dinner Lane gave me my gift of a heart necklace. He told me that he picked the heart so that I would always remember having Eden's heart beat inside of me while I was pregnant with her. It was really neat because I had actually just told someone how awesome it was to see her little heartbeat as a tiny flash when I was only 6 weeks, 1 day pregnant and only 4mm long! We have come a long way as a family and soon she'll be in our arms! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow? In Florida? Supposedly - we'll see!

So, we moved to VA in 2008 and thought that we'd get a lot of snow. We might have gotten snow once. It flurried while we were there, but nothing really stuck and made it a fun snow. The one snow that was a good snow was last March 1 - we were having to fight to get OUT of VA down to FL for Grampie's funeral. There was snow on the ground the entire time we were in FL, enjoying the warm sunshine while we could.

Now that we've moved out of VA, they've had more snow than they've ever had. The amounts of snow that VA has now is more than I could handle, but still...they have snow! And they have fun amounts of snow!

Florida has proven to live up to not being what we expected weather-wise. The first week we got here it was about 42 most days around noon - at it's warmest time of the day! We have had a few days of nice weather, but we've also not been able to put our winter coats away - which we didn't expect to need to have at all down here in Florida. Now...we are having threats of SNOW! Are you kidding me?! The military bases have closed, there are TONS of schools closed...but have no fear, the Mardi Gras parades are still on all weekend. This is worse than living in GA where they close things for no reason!

Well, I'll keep you posted on our "snow" and if there's actually snow I'll make sure to post pictures for you :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

36 weeks TOMORROW! :)

I went to the doctor yesterday and again, things are looking good! He did the normal check of her heart rate (normal), my growth (normal), and my weight gain (normal). I was looking forward to having an exam done - I know call me weird - because I'm getting anxious about the arrival of our little one!

I did, however, get my Strep B test done and will probably get the results back next week when I go. He made sure to stress to me that this was not something that was bad or because of anything that I had done or not done during pregnancy. It is just a bacteria that some women carry and they will just give me an antibiotic during labor/delivery so that the medicine get into Eden's system and help her to fight off the bacteria as she enters our world.

The doctor again checked for her positioning and he had a smile on his face when he felt that she was in good position. Her head seems to be down - he didn't seem to have any doubt about it. Her butt is up in my left ribcage and so all the kicks, pokes, jabs, and stretches I feel in my right ribcage! Sometimes I can feel them all the way over above my right hip bone. When I feel those stretches I tell Lane that I think she's 3 feet long!

I go back to the doctor next week and hopefully will get that long anticipated exam so that I can update you on how I may or may not be progressing. Keep your fingers crossed and I will keep you updated.