
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, January 18, 2013

Motherhood Is...{2}

My blessing this week is that my kids get to see me living a healthy and active lifestyle and that we can roll with the punches and make the best of our situation.

I ran my first 10k since having kids on January 12! {I wish there was a better picture of me - like, from the front - but this was the only one that they took of us!} I was scared, but because I grew up with the Peachtree Roadrace being the "norm" when it came to races, it was also no big thing {sort of.} I've run a few 10ks in my life, and I was ready to conquer this quest with the kids. The only bummer about it {other than the hills that were huge} was that Lane was supposed to run with me and he flew out for a road trip that morning. The run was the Flight Line Dash and it was put on by the Officers' Wives Club on base. The run is a fundraiser for the OWC and they raise money to donate to the Wounded Warriors. I was excited to be a part of it and the kids were great. My time for the race was 1:04, so it was pretty good for 6 miles with the stroller. There's a huge thanks to my friend, Anna, for pushing me on our weekly runs together and for cheering me on {and pushing the stroller part way} throughout the race. She and her husband run faster than I do, so it was nice to have a running buddy {or 2} through the run.

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