
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Oh my goodness! How on earth did my baby turn 2?! Since Eden's last birthday we've moved 3 times, bought a house, and found out that she's going to be a big sister! Time flies. She's getting too big. She's just too much for me sometimes.

My baby is going pee pee on the potty and we're even able to go out in public with her wearing panties. We have an occasional accident, but more days we have dry days. Eden communicates with us better than I could have ever imagined she'd be able to at this age! She's speaking in full sentences and she's always talking. It isn't possible to lose her in the house because she's always telling us what she's doing and giving a play by play of everything going on. She's excited about a brother and she loves using her baby dolls in her brother's bed, bouncer, swing and diapers.

Eden loves to run, jump, and climb. She loves being outside. She gives hugs and kisses, but still isn't a cuddler. If she gets an "owie" she like to kiss it herself to "make it better." If Mommy and Daddy try to kiss it we get a quick no while she's running the other direction and seems to be embarrassed. She's funny about things like that. She doesn't like to get much attention if she get's a small owie and most of the time she tells us that she's just going to "brush it off" or "kiss it" herself.

Eden loves to play with her friends, though most of her established friends were left in Texas. One of her good friends did move out here to California about a month ago and Eden has enjoyed playing with Cael at the playgrounds, going on hikes, at his house or ours, and even going to story time at the library. They hold hands and they give each other kisses. We're going to have to watch out for them if they get the chance to grow up much more together! They are too cute together. Some of the friends that we left behind in Texas are Nelson, Ozzy, Sam, Abby, and Laney. We've been able to video chat with some of them and Eden loves talking to people on the computer!

Eden continues to amaze us at every turn of life. She's suck an easy going child and she's beautiful inside and out. We still feel like we have a keeper on our hands!

1 comment:

  1. Wish we were there to help you celebrate her big day! Miss you guys so much!!!
