
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, July 22, 2011

Georgia Peach

Here are the pictures from our visit to Georgia. Eden and I thoroughly enjoyed our trip and loved being around friends and family that we don't get to see very often.

July 12 - Eden at the Corpus Christi airport, ready to go see Mimi for her birthday! I think at this point she was still asking for Daddy and I had tears in my eyes at the idea of not being able to grant the request for the next 8 days!

July 12 - In Atlanta, on MARTA to meet Pop at work so he can take us home.

July 14 - Eden loving that she's going to get some ice cream with chocolate for Mimi's birthday at Longhorns. She also loved the Texas Tonion - basically a fried onion.

July 14 - Mimi with her dessert.

July 14 - Eden and Parker got the mail when we got home from dinner.

July 14 - Eden showed Mimi, Pop, and Parker how she loves to play with shaving cream at bath time.

July 15 - Mimi, Eden, and Frasier playing on the deck. Mimi must have been taking a break from her busy work schedule to play with Eden.

July 16 - Eden with Sara at the cookout that Mimi and Pop hosted so Eden and I could see more friends in one place.

July 16 - Eden with Marylynn and Brian's two oldest girls at the cookout.

July 17 - Eden was in the bathroom when Pop got out of the shower. From the bedroom I heard Pop say, "We have to take off your diaper," before hearing the water get turned back on. When I went to see what they were up to, this is what I found. Eden played in the shower for about 15-20 minutes and loved every minute of it.

July 17 - Eden in the shower.

July 18 - Eden playing phase 10, a family favorite!

July 18 - Eden with Pop at the Varsity. She got to eat a "naked dog" and onion rings.

July 18 - Eden with her Varsity hat.

July 18 - Eden with Pop at Centennial Olympic Park on Pop's extended lunch break.

July 18 - Eden playing in the fountains at Centennial Olympic Park.

July 18 - Eden and Mommy running around the fountains to find Pop again.

July 18 - Eden and Pop walking to the playground after having fun in the fountains. 

July 19 - Eden and Mimi at Stone Mountain Park. We took a picnic dinner and watched the laser show. Eden loved it and the fireworks didn't phase her!

July 20 - Eden at the playground in the Dallas airport during our layover.

July 20 - Eden on the tram to get to our next flight to come home to see Daddy!

July 20 - The playground worked to get her to sleep! She got a 45 minute nap during our layover and even stayed asleep when I took her out of the seat and put her into the ERGO carrier.
We loved visiting family, but we are glad to be home with Daddy. We're back to our "normal" life of Daddy going to work and Eden and I spending our days together. We are trying to get into the groove of it just being the 2 of us, and that's more difficult than coming home from past trips. She is coming from having constant attention, and I'm coming from her getting constant attention - from everyone else - and therefore she wants the attention, and I want someone to give it to her! We're figuring each other out though, just one day at a time!

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